Eating clean. When I first heard this phrase I wondered what the heck it meant. Upon consideration, I figured it was something that only pertained to body builders or fitness competitors. However, when I did some research I found that eating clean is very simple. It means eating the way that nature intended ALL of us to. The point is that you don't have to be a fitness buff or nutritionist to know that you "are what you eat"...yeah, I guess that means mom was right all along! ;)
The cold hard truth is that what you put in your body accounts for about 80% of your fitness results and of how you feel, the other 20% is exercise. So for some, this is a hard truth because many of us think we can eat what we want because we will "burn it off later with exercise." (I've heard this countless times and I've actually said it before myself!). Once I started on my fitness regimen, I became quickly frustrated. I mean, I was working out harder than ever before and why wasn't I seeing the results I wanted? Sure, I lost a few pounds but it took me weeks to achieve this!! My muscles were sore. I was seeing some definition and I had the puddles of sweat on my garage floor to prove, that the programs I was using were effective. So what gives? Why such little results??!!! I had to evaluate myself even closer. What was I eating? What was I drinking? I had to get honest. Yes, I was eating carbs at every meal...but they were whole grain carbs!!! Still too many carbs. Yes, I was drinking a few beers or a glass of wine or 2 with my husband after dinner at night. Hey, it was "light" beer!! And those glasses of red wine are supposed to be good for me right?!! Big fat NO Lindsay!!! I had to get honest. So after all I've read, learned and tried, this is my NEW reality on eating clean...and news flash...IT'S WORKING! =)
Limit your carbs (only good carbs): I try for 80g of carbs or less per day.
Choose the right carbs: Only whole grains. Think if its white in color its probably not the best for you. See "Michi's Ladder" for the right foods to eat. I try to stay in the top 2 tiers. Email me if you would like a copy of Michi's Ladder as a reference. You can also join my TeamBeachBody site, there is a free basic membership, but with the "Club" membership for $2.95/wk you get meal plans to help with your nutrition, recipes, and Michi's Ladder is on there as well. To register for the Free or Club membership go to my site at
Increase your protein: if you are working out regularly your muscles need protein as fuel and for repair. Protein is also great for weight loss, I get my proteins from chicken, fish, ground turkey, whey protein, and Shakeology (see my "supplements" page for details on Shakeology) or for more info go to my site at I try for 120g of protein per day.
Increase fruits and veggies. Try to mix it up with different recipes. Go for fresh or frozen, not canned as it has too much sodium.
Increase your fiber: Studies show that fiber is key in weight loss, not to mention it cleanses your body!! An apple a day is right!! Shakeology is also a great source of fiber and way to keep your body "regular". I supplement 1 meal per day with Shakeology. It's like 5 trips to the salad bar in one shake. I'm tight for time most days with having 2 kids and work so making up a shake is not only healthy for me but quick and easy. =) For recipes, flavors, testimonials, ingredients and more go to
H20: I know this is a given, but it is so true. Anything carbonated causes bloating. Sparkling water is ok at times, but just plain Jane water is best...but FYI, it doesn't have to be boring!! I add lemon and lime for added flavor and it makes me want to drink more. I drink about a gallon of water a day. Many of those "health waters" out there are loaded with sodium and sugar so you need to become a label reader and steer clear of those. Soda is a NO NO, but that is given. Studies also show that soda is not only bad for the waisteline but for your bones as well.
Limit dairy: Dairy is ok for you but in moderation. Go for low fat dairy. Personally, I only drink rice or almond milk. I have pretty much eradicated dairy from my diet except for on special occasions. You can get veggie cheeses that taste great from your grocier. If you can't get rid of dairy, I would just try to go for low fat choices, but always check the sugar content.
Limit or Omit Alcohol: Ok this is a hard one I know! I was in the same boat. It's very hard when you have those around you that drink too. However, it is very bad for you. Beer itself has been shown to contribute to not only weight gain, but allergies, yeast infections in women and more! (My sources for this info is listed below). And if you want Abs, NO or LITTLE alcohol. I limit it to special occasions and try to make sure it is a small amount. I drink a glass of water right after to cleanse my body. I'm actually on a new challenge where I'm completely omitting it from my diet, honestly, I don't need it.
Take a multi vitamin. I suggest going to a health food store and or checking out the awesome supplements BeachBody has to offer at mysite
Limit or Omit canned, over processed, bagged, or packaged foods. This can be hard, especially in the day in age when we have little time to cook. However, try to limit these things because they are high in sodium, sugar, fats, preservatives, and chemicals. If I can't buy fresh fruits or veggies I do buy them frozen sometimes. When I do buy fresh I always wash them or buy organic. Try to buy fresh whenever possible such as bagged beans (soak them) instead of canned. If you lack the time, on your day off try to prepare your meals ahead of time in the fridge or freeze them for later use. You will save a lot of time and money buy packing a lunch ahead of time and you will be less tempted to grab fast food.
I hope these tips have been helpful. These are just some things I have learned, read about, and tried over the past few months/years. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. As always, if you have concerns or questions (especially if you are a diabetic) ask your doctor, that is your safest bet. Below are sources where I have found most of the above information. These books/references are a great addition to your library, I recommend them and get no royalties for doing so, just a healthy fit body! ;) (You can buy these books for less at or at
1) The Eat-Clean Diet, Author: Tosca Reno,,
2) The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged: Tosca Reno,, (I recommend all of her books, these are just the ones I have read, cooked recipes from, and referenced some of the above)
3) Skinny Bitch: Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin
4) The Curvelle Lifestyle: Jenny Hendershott
5) The Green Pharmacy: James A. Duke, Ph.D.
6) Fight Fat With Fiber, the Reality Diet: Steven A. Schnur, M.D.